Wednesday, October 23, 2024

5 tips for cooking for one

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5 tips for cooking for one

Cooking for one can be a daunting and even depressing task depending on the circumstances. However, the following tips are meant to make solo cooking a breeze.

Cooking for one can be a daunting and even depressing task depending on the circumstances. So it’s no surprise that solo eaters resort to fast food more often than their coupled peers.

Also not surprising are the several studies that show eating more meals out rather than cooking at home is associated with a higher BMI and possible weight gain.

Thankfully, cooking for one doesn’t have to be as difficult as we’ve built it up to be. The following tips are meant to make solo cooking a breeze, and the drive-thru line as unappealing as a spare tire (around the waist, that is).

1. Stock up
Keeping your pantry stocked with non-perishable goods such as dried pasta, canned chickpeas, and pasta sauce ensure that you’re always prepared, even when you’re not. Throw these ingredients together in a pinch and you’ve got yourself a balanced dinner.

2. Make big batches
Rather than cooking small portions every night, dedicate one Sunday to cooking a few big batches of your favourite comfort foods such as lasagna, chili, and soup. Set aside enough for the next few days, then divide the rest into individual portions and freeze in reusable containers for an easy thaw-and-heat dinner.

3. Consider convenience
When stocking your kitchen, pick up items that will make cooking easier. For example, purchase chopped frozen veggies to add to soups, shepherd’s pie, and even stir-fries. And always keep low-sodium organic bouillon cubes on hand for no-fuss soup stock.

4. Rollover your leftovers
Plan to use your leftovers the following day, saving time and reducing food waste. Have leftover rice from your stir-fry? Use it the next day in a casserole, or throw it in a wrap with sliced avocado, salsa, and a scrambled egg. Another idea is to cook an extra chicken breast to pop in the fridge for the next day’s Caesar salad.

5. Always have a plan
It’s harder to talk ourselves out of something when we have a plan in place. Sit down on a Sunday (perhaps while your chili is simmering away), and figure out what dinner will be for the upcoming week. Next time the urge to hit the drive-thru comes along, just think of the delicious (and easy) meal you’ve planned for the night.

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