Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Three Tips to Find Time for a Holiday Workout

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Three Tips to Find Time for a Holiday Workout

Even with all of the added craziness of the holidays, it’s possible to fit in some time for fitness with these three tips.

We know, we know—it seems nearly impossible to fit in a workout over the holidays. Between getting ready to host parties and dinners, having the kids home from school, and doing last minute present shopping, the next two weeks may just be the busiest time of year. It is any wonder that our healthy lifestyles go on a hiatus during the holidays?
A natural stress reliever
Exercise releases endorphins, which helps to fight stress and boost relaxation. Who doesn’t need some of that over the holidays? And don’t think that just because you can’t do your regular workout, you might as well give up! Every little bit counts.
Three easy tips
Even with all of the added craziness, it is possible to fit in some time for fitness over the holidays:

  • Maximize the calorie-burn of your regular daily activities. When you’re at the mall frantically searching for the last item on your list, for example, take the stairs instead of the escalator, park farther away from the entrance, and try engaging your core while waiting in line at the till.
  • Make it an adventure! If your holidays involve activities with family or friends you seldom see, skip the latest cartoon Christmas movie or coffee date and instead do something physical and fun, such as ice skating, tubing, or snowshoeing. How’s that for two birds with one stone?
  • Exercise at home. So you can’t get to the gym or have to miss your favourite workout class—so what? There are a ton of exercises you can do at home without any equipment at all, while waiting for the gingerbread to bake.
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