Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Homeopathic Remedies For Travel

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Homeopathic Remedies For Travel

A vacation getaway may be the fun-filled stress reliever you need this summer. But for those who don\’t travel well, anxiety may override the holiday excitement.

A vacation getaway may be the fun-filled stress reliever you need this summer. But for those who don’t travel well, anxiety may override the holiday excitement.

No matter how thrilling or exotic the destination, some travellers regularly experience motion sickness and jet lag. Others find themselves spending more time in the bathroom than out in the sun. Thankfully, with homeopathic remedies as the perfect travel companions, there’s effective help at hand.

Natural and free of side effects, homeopathic remedies act quickly in mild emergencies—such as the pre-flight jitters, jet lag, or sunburn—and will not conflict with conventional treatments for more serious emergencies such as sunstroke. These remedies are inexpensive and small enough to conveniently take anywhere.

Based on the principle that like remedies can cure like diseases, remedies are chosen according to their similarity to symptoms. The closer the remedy matches, the better the results achieved.

Here’s a look at the best homeopathic travel remedies. Take these suggestions to your natural health retailer and then pack a homeopathic resource for your next relaxing trip.

Travel anxiety and fear
Forty percent of travellers experience anxiety about flying. When you feel anxiety before travel, take the following remedies.




Quiet anxiety before travel with weakness, trembling, and diarrhea possible Gelsemium 30c Take at first signs of anxiety and every 4 hours if necessary during travel
Fidgety apprehension before travel with restlessness, claustrophobia, or fear of heights Argentum nitricum 30c Same as Gelsemium above
Panic with fear of flying, death, and accidents Aconite 30c Take 1 to 2 hours before flight; repeat before takeoff and if needed every 1 to 4 hours

Jet lag
Travelling great distances in a short time causes jet lag; not entirely avoidable, it can be greatly reduced. Drink plenty of water, refrain from alcohol, eat lightly, and try these remedies.




Insomnia despite fatigue, changes in sleep patterns, disorientation Cocculus 30c Take twice daily 2 days before flight and up to 2 to 3 days after
Feeling foggy, in shock, and/or muscles are achy Arnica 30c Take every 4 to 6 hours for up to 3 days
Flight hangover, tired and irritable, may feel chilly, queasy, headachy Nux vomica 30c Same as Arnica above

Motion sickness
Common and much dreaded, motion sickness can strike in a car, plane, boat, or other mode of transport. Children 3 to 12 years of age are often susceptible.




Nausea; vomiting; dizziness Cocculus 30c Take 1 hour before departure, then every 6 hours; if nausea returns, take every 2 hours; assess after 3 to 4 doses: if no improvement, choose Tabacum or Nux vomica (below); with improvement, stop
Severe nausea and vomiting with cold sweats and dizziness; desire for fresh air Tabacum 30c Take every 1/2 to 2 hours for 3 doses; then only as needed or 3 times daily for up to 3 days
Sickness that feels like a hangover; desire to vomit but can’t; chills; headache Nux vomica 30c Same as Tabacum above

Traveller’s diarrhea
Traveller’s diarrhea can strike at any time. When the water is not potable, drink only bottled water, eat only well cooked food and fruit you can peel, avoid ice in drinks. If you do get diarrhea, try the following.




Diarrhea typically associated with exhaustion; restlessness; possible vomiting Arsenicum album 30c Take every 2 to 4 hours, reassess after 3 doses; wait for symptoms to worsen before repeating
Smelly, explosive stools with lots of gurgling Podophyllum 30c Same as Arsenicum above
Cravings for ice cold drinks; possible vomiting Veratrum album 30c Same as Arsenicum above

Sunburn is possible anywhere the sun shines. Avoid the midday sun and always wear a natural sunscreen. If you do get burnt, try one of these.




Mild sunburn Calendula spray, gel, or creme Apply externally as per directions on container
Mild sunburn with itching Urtica urens 30c Take 3 times daily for the first and soreness day, then as needed once or twice daily for up to 3 days
Painful sunburn, possible blistering Cantharis 30c Same as Urtica urens above

True sunstroke is a medical emergency. Children and the elderly are most susceptible. Seek immediate medical attention and try the following.




Bursting, throbbing headache; fever; hot, dry skin after direct sun exposure Belladonna 30c Give every 15 minutes until medical help can be obtained

Travel kits
For convenience, homeopathic travel kits are available at most natural health retailers. These kits typically come complete with instructions and 20 or more remedies that can be used at home and abroad.

The kits not only contain remedies needed during travel, but also for other problems such as influenza, hangovers, and injuries.

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