Wednesday, October 23, 2024

What Did You Do For Earth Day?

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What Did You Do For Earth Day?

Yesterday was Earth Day. How did you celebrate?

People around the world celebrated Earth Day yesterday (Sunday, April 22), with everything from bike rides and shoreline cleanups, to parades and protests.

International Mother Earth Day (as the United Nations calls it) is “an acknowledgement that the Earth and its ecosystems provide its inhabitants with life and sustenance” and a call to action for to promote harmony with nature. It has been celebrated since the 1970s.

According to news sources, some of the many events that took place here in Canada included:

  • Quebec’s largest-ever Earth Day march (250,000 people strong) through Montreal
  • festivities at Fort Edmonton Park, such as hula hooping, juggling, and Tai Chi
  • a march by Canada’s native Innus people, in protest of commercial exploitation and development on their land
  • a rally at Vancouver’s Commercial Drive, in opposition to the Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline expansion
  • campaigns such as Earth Day Canada’s Upcycling Challenge, and Take it Up for Earth Day.

Now that Earth Day is over, don’t set your eco-friendly habits aside. Just like Earth Hour, go beyond and promote environmental behaviour all year long.

How did you celebrate Earth Day yesterday? Let us know by posting a comment below!

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